Gixxer & Yolo

The Mission of Fuzzy Bear Saints

Fuzzy Bear Saints strives to exhibit and produce exquisite Saint Bernards that conform to the Saint Bernard Club of America standards.

Everything in the Fancy of Conformation is about relationships.  

This cannot be stressed enough because without enduring and cultivating relationships with other breeders/fanciers, what chance will we have for our mission?

This breeding is a strategic relationship between Kennels. In this case, Melon City, Notorious Tru, and FzyBr. Jeff and Darcy Petersen of Melon City have been instrumental in the foundations of FzyBr.

These underpinnings, combined with the generosity of Jeff Creasy and Terri Stevens of Notorious Tru, made this breeding possible.

CH Notorious Tru Blu Gixxer WS65324509 DOB 06/11/2019

by Alpine Mtn Peaches and Alpine Mtn Knight Blu Sky.

Notorious Tru Blu Gixxer

Melon City Yolo WS59688602 DOB 06/25/2017

by Royal Treasures Abner and Melon City Quilla

Melon City Yolo

My keepers

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